Too long, didn’t read?

The Scrum Guide is short, concise and informative. I encourge you to read it. But if it’s too long to you, or you need to onboard a busy team, follow me on my new blog series 2-Minute Scrum for Busy Teams — a bite-size, per-chapter, bullet-point summary of The Scrum Guide.

Scrum Theory

Scrum is:

Based on empirical process control theory, or empiricism:

  • knowledge comes from experience
  • making decisions based on what is known

Using an iterative, incremental approach to:

  • optimize predictability
  • and control risk

Three pillars to support the implementation of empirical process control:

1. Transparency

Key aspects of the process:

  • must be visible to those responsible for the outcome
  • defined as common standard so everyone share a common understanding


  • Use a common language when referring the process
  • Share a common definition of “Done” between those delivering and inspecting the work

2. Inspection

Scrum users must frequently inspect:

  • Scrum artifacts
  • and progress toward a Sprint Goal
  • to detect undesirable deviation


  • should not be so frequent that it gets in the way
  • most beneficial when performed by skilled inspectors at the point of work

3. Adaptation

When undesirable deviation detected,


  • must be made as soon as possible to minimize further deviation
  • must be made to the process or the material being processed

Four events prescribed for inspection and adaptation:

  1. Sprint Planning
  2. Daily Scrum
  3. Sprint Review
  4. Sprint Retrospective

Read the full text in The Scrum Guide.

In 2-Minute Scrum for Busy Teams series